Super Flower Full Moon & Eclipse Ritual 🌒🌔🌕🌖🌘 May, 26, 2021 🌼🌸🌻

...and total eclipse ! 🌚🌝
Can you feel the light shining though you and to you ? This most radiant full moon of the year ~ in Sagittarius ~ is also a beautiful energetic portal full of new opportunities and abundance.
Are you ready to accept changes in your life ?
Here comes a nice ritual (not religious of any kind, very simple and fun and it will take only 20 mintutes of your time) to help you smooth those days this week that can feel shaking, draining, or too energizing for some of us :
You will need:
- Incense and essential oils of your choice (herb sticks, palo santo, etc)
- Calm bowl meditation music (you can find many on youtube)
- Two white candles
- Matches/lighter
- Safety pin or something to carve into your candle
- 20 minutes of your time
- A yoga mat or blancket
1. Prepare your space 🌝
Make sure you are not disturbed during at least 20 minutes. This time is for you. You can do it with your children (if they are under your vigilance ~ please all take care with the candles) and your partner if they wish to join letting them know it is a quiet and sacred time for reconnecting to their inner self.
Light one candle, turn the music on, burn some incense.
2. Prepare yourself 🌝
Put some essential oils or perfume you like on your wrists.
Sit in a comfortable place and position, you can lay down or sit on a pillow or block placed on your mat.
Start joining your hand on your heart and set an intention for this time you are offering to yourself.
3. Breath 🌝
Close your eyes, let the music relax you.
Breath in and out 3 times counting until 6 on the inhale, 9 on the exhale.
And during at least 5 minutes, think about all the things you wish to let go now.
Let the music comfort and guide you and let it come to you... it can be habits you want to quit, situations that dont serve you anymore, fears, etc. Even and especially if you do not know how.
If nothing comes to your mind, make the breathing cycle several times again and let it come to you.
4. Let go 🌝
Now blow the candle and say "thank you" and "no more" ! You can go as loud as you want / can... get wild !
Shake your arms, hands and legs or make a little dance.
5. Create and have fun ! 🌝
Now take the pin and start carving the other candle with wathever comes to your mind and makes you feel happy and good. Suns, moons, stars, waves, your name, a wish, put it all out on the candle !
When you are finished, light the candle and close your eyes.
Let the music guide you into your dreams and wishes, imagine everything has already came true, ask yourself how would you feel? Happy ? Exicted ? Relived... ? What else....?
6. Close the ceremony / meditation session 🌝
Blow the candle and say "it is done, it is done, it is done".
Join your hands on your heart and repeat "Namaste, the light in me honors the light in you" (If you are alone you can say this to someone you would like to send love to, or to your higher self).
Drink a lot of fresh water to renew your cells !
We hope you enjoy this little ritual,
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Pictures : BAYA, check our new collection of BAYA yoga mats.
Apparel and accessories will be available soon, stay tuned!