10 Signs you are addicted to (dance) shoes 👠❤️

- You plan your outfit from the shoes up, not the other way round. 🥿
- You own the same pair of shoes in different colours. Because if you find your perfect pair, might as well. 👡
- You genuinely get excited about shoe storage at Ikea. That Ställ cabinet? Come to mama! 👢
- Forget cabin luggage, when you travel, you need an extra suitcase for your shoes. 👟
- A pair of shoes is more often the first thing you buy when you get paid each month. 🙈
- You get a bit irritated when your mother/partner/roommate comments, ‘ANOTHER pair of shoes? Don’t you have enough already?’. Clearly. Not.
- The first thing you notice on a date is what shoes he’s wearing. 🥾
- You will freely admit you have heels you can’t wear, ever, because they’re too high. But they’re so pretty, why would you ever get rid of them? 👠
- Rainy days give you cold sweats. You just can’t deal with the catastrophe of wearing the wrong shoes. 🙉
- You have no preference: Heels, ballet pumps, mules, trainers, you love them all! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🤎💖
👠 More signs of your passion for shoes on Marie Claire UK 👠
Photo : Anna Kern by Werner Kern
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